Tuesday, August 30, 2011

National Literacy & Numeracy Week

Date: 29/8/11-2/9/11

Completed by: Sharon


Books: Writing and Responding, Information Skills-Finding and Using the Right Resources, Cyber Literacy, Assignment and Thesis Writing, English A-Z, Accessing Information, Understanding Importance of Information, Searching Online for Images, Audio & Video Files, Unit 3C Mathematics, Mathematics 3AB, Everyday Australian Dictionary, Words Fail Me.

Comments: Very eye catching with the colourful posters and great to have competitions included in the display.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hearing Awareness Week

22/8/11 - 26/8/11
Completed by: Donna


Books- Active Listening Skills, Sound, Hearing Loss and Tinnitus, Understanding the Human Body, The Senses, Children of a Lesser God, Sound and Hearing, Light and Sound, Alexander Graham Bell, Seeing Voices, Making Waves: Sound, Hearing, The Human Body, Beethoven.
Audio- Ludwig Van Beethoven.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

National Science Week

Date: 15/8/11 - 19/8/11

Completed by: Donna


Books: Encyclopaedia of Inventions, Jobs in Health, Biology Dictionary, Prehistoric Life, Biometric Technology, Einstein, Double Helix, Atlas of the Human Body, Changing Ecosystems, Chemistry Dictionary.

Periodicals: Australasian Science, Scientific American, Cosmos.

DVD's: Coral Reefs, Body atlas.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

International Youth Day

Date: 8th August - 12th August

Completed by: Sharon and Tamsyn

Resources:Books: Feeding the World, Graphing Health and Diseases, Aids, Global Citizenship, Our Earth, World Hunger, Health and You, Teen Depression, Mine & Yours, Poverty, Anna's Story, Very Wellness.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Jeans for Genes Day

Date: 1st-5th August

Completed by: Claire


Who discovered DNA?, Genes and DNA, Cystic fibrosis, Down syndrome, Clones, genetics and immortality, Inheritance and selection; Stem cell research, Hemophilia, Huntington's disease, The art of genes, Whose view of life?


Fix me.

Organisations contacted: Jeans for Genes website

Comments: The jeans were a nice touch :)